Law, Government, and the Christian Religion

The speech of Rep. Steube on the floor of Congress is cause for praise. Praise God that we still have Representatives in Congress that oppose wicked laws and seek to promote and enforce godly morality in the civil realm. This should cause us to continue to pray for our civil magistrates, that they would have the courage to promote godly legislation and oppose wicked ones, even in the midst of a culture that opposes the gospel of Christ and the holy law of God.

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How Grammar Saved Civilization

At GCCA our hope is to come alongside parents and pastors…training students up in the paideia of the Lord and the enculturation of students - that is to say, we want students to understand that Christ is the foundation of all things. Biblical obedience leads to the manifestation of biblical culture and we desire to assist in training students to understand this truth and lead this effort, conforming all things and making them obedient to Christ. This begins by giving students God’s Word as the grammar of all things, which is foundational to training “up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4).”

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Classical Christian Education and Karl Marx: Why Read the Communist Manifesto?

Because GCCA is a Classical Christian School, we understand the greatness of learning and beauty that the Western world has produced, and are able to recognize the folly of the Marxist (whether cultural or classical) agenda and desire to deconstruct anything bearing the semblance of Western or Christian. We teach and encourage our students to apply 2 Corinthians 10:5 to their lives, destroying every argument and lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of Christ.

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Cantabile and School Culture

GCCA exists to serve families and churches in an effort to strengthen the kingdom of God and to train up students to properly order their beliefs and affections. One way we seek to accomplish this goal is through cantabile. Cantabile is a time of gathering as a school community to “sing songs, and hymns, and spiritual songs” (Col. 3:16).

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Integration of Subjects and Apologetics in the Rhetoric School

Not only is it the purpose of the Rhetoric School at GCCA to integrate the disciplines our students are learning; it is also the mission of the school to integrate the skill of Apologetics in every lesson. While it is absolutely true that all truth is God’s truth, and that true knowledge and insight can be gained by reading pagans and secular works, we also want our students to be able to use the knowledge they have gained in the classroom to interact with and engage our secular culture.

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Communicating With Wisdom and Grace

Excellent teachers of the art of rhetoric would require that, before one may argue against an opponent’s viewpoint, one must state that viewpoint in terms which one's opponent agrees accurately portray it. It’s said that the best debaters are capable of arguing the opposite side’s views better than the opposite side itself. The art of rhetoric - the winsome expression of all the knowledge and know-how gathered up in the years before - being the crowning stage of a classical and Christian education, those of us in this movement should have a better handle on this than most.

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Why GCCA: The Gifford Family's Story

We cannot tell you how grateful we are to be a part of this school community! We have been served so well and have felt cared for and welcomed every step of the way. We believe that at GCCA our children are receiving an excellent Christian education from people who are serious about knowing, loving, and serving the Lord Jesus in all that they do…

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Why GCCA: The Gjone Family's Story

Our names are Jim and Mandy Gjone, and five years ago, we decided to take responsibility for the education our boys received… “Why classical Christian education?,” many people asked. To put it quite simply, we wanted our kids to be able to know and defend Biblical truth…After much prayer and discussion, we decided to make the leap into classical Christian education…Grace Classical Christian Academy is helping us to take ownership of our children’s education and find joy in the rigor.

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Why We Are the GCCA Gryphons

Why is the Gryphon our mascot at Grace Classical Christian Academy?
Throughout history, Gryphons have been portrayed as a legendary creature with the rear body of a lion, an eagle’s head with erect ears, a feathered breast, and the forelegs of an eagle, including claws. These features indicate a combination of intelligence, courage, leadership, and strength, which Gryphons used to guard priceless treasure.

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Educating Our Children: a Religious Endeavor

Education is first and foremost, a religious endeavor, according to many in the Christian tradition…Because the responsibility of educating children belongs under the estate of the family, it is evident that the Christian school falls under the jurisdiction not of the church or state, but of the family…The education of our children is not delegated by God to the government; rather, it is given to the parents, or to be specific, to the father of the family. If at any point in time, the state or the church prohibits the Christian school from meeting for any reason at all, it is necessarily a usurpation of the authority of the family…Grace Classical Christian Academy with several other classical Christian schools across the country continue to meet, not because of a feeling of superiority over the state, but because of a conviction that to honor the authority of the family is submission to God.

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