Why We Are the GCCA Gryphons

Why is the Gryphon our mascot at Grace Classical Christian Academy?

First, what is a Gryphon?
Throughout history, Gryphons have been portrayed as a legendary creature with the rear body of a lion, an eagle’s head with erect ears, a feathered breast, and the forelegs of an eagle, including claws. These features indicate a combination of intelligence, courage, leadership, and strength, which Gryphons used to guard priceless treasure.

How does the Gryphon reflect Grace Classical Christian Academy?
With its dual nature, the Gryphon symbolizes the union of both the classical and Christian education we endeavor to provide at Grace Classical Christian Academy.

In addition, the Gryphon, being the combination of a terrestrial beast and an aerial bird, was viewed in Christendom as a symbol of Jesus Christ, who was both equally human and equally divine. Therefore, the Gryphon became a Christian emblem of heavenly power and a guardian of the divine.

Finally, at GCCA, we aim to cultivate both the minds and spirits of our students as we instruct them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We also intend to train our students to be dangerous warriors in their battle against the encroaching false philosophies of our times as they “demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God” (2 Corin. 2:15). As they prepare to enter the world, we pray that they would, like the Gryphon, be known for vision and strength, diligently guarding the Divine Truths in which they have been trained. May these attributes be anchored in the unchanging Word of God and empowered through His Spirit.