GLIMPSES OF GRACE: Learning to Share the Gospel at GCCA

For children growing up in a Christian culture, the Gospel is heard almost daily. It becomes ingrained in their hearts and minds. This is an invaluable blessing that should not be taken for granted. However, students in such an environment can hear the good news so many times that they learn to tune it out. They take in bits and pieces and often lose the big picture. But we want to ensure that each student knows and understands the most precious truth we have: the news of salvation in Christ.

That is why the fourth graders at GCCA have been challenged with answering this question daily; “What is the Gospel?” They must chew on these words and reflect on their own comprehension. This evokes many thoughtful questions that may have otherwise gone unnoticed on the assumption that they fully grasp the redemptive narrative of Scripture. From there the students are prompted to share the Gospel with each other. The room fills with the sound of children telling of salvation. It is a beautiful melody that is becoming fine-tuned over time and much study.

The students are gaining more confidence in their belief and their hope. Subsequently, they have begun to confront each other with hard questions, as if they were acting in the role of the unbeliever. Their ability to answer gently and accurately has strengthened throughout these conversations. As these children hear and share the Gospel more throughout the years, we are certain that their faith will grow and their lives will produce lasting fruit for the glory of God. 

- By Ms. Berét Thorpe, 4th Grade Teacher