Seeing God Through Singing Psalms at GCCA

As the 2nd Grade teacher at Grace Classical Christian Academy, one of the biggest blessings in my role has been regularly singing Psalms as a school. In my classroom, I have seen my students make connections to God’s order and truth in math through the words we sing when we sing Psalms. They see that God is the Creator and Ruler of all in the words, “the spacious heavens declare the glory of our God.” -Psalm 19

Having my own children attending GCCA and singing Psalms throughout the day has had a big impact on our family. I notice my boys singing these songs while they are working and playing. We have been learning them as a family and incorporating them into our family worship time.

“Music is far more central to our lives than we perhaps assume. We come into contact with music all the time.” -Douglas Wilson, Church Music and the Other Kinds.

During our time at GCCA, we as a family and me as a teacher have learned the great value of music, the Psalms especially. We see that God created music and wants us to use it to glorify Him. The Psalms also point to His sovereignty, truth, order, and beauty. As a teacher, I regularly use opportunities to point this out to my students, and we discuss attributes of God found in the music we sing. We are teaching them that music matters, words matter, and theology is found in everything we do. 

By: Catherine Moore, GCCA 2nd Grade Teacher