Welcome Mrs. Rebecca Williams!

GCCA is happy to announce that Rebecca Williams will be teaching 4th grade! Rebecca and her husband Nick moved to Granbury in November of 2021. They have been married since 2006 and have three boys. Rebecca got her B.S in Interdisciplinary Studies for EC-4th from the University of North Texas in 2008. Before children came along, she taught in the public schools for 3 years. Rebecca was a stay at home mom after the birth of her first child. She went back into teaching for 2 additional years as her oldest child was entering Kindergarten. However, she and her husband knew pretty quickly that this was not the educational route that they wanted to continue on for their boys. In 2021 she began homeschooling her boys in Sunset, TX and joined a Classical Conversations co-op. This was the Williams’ family’s first exposure to the classical method and they loved it. As a family, they enjoy traveling, spending time outdoors bike riding, or going on a nice hike. Rebecca has a love for reading, enjoys painting with different mediums (particularly oil and acrylic), and baking with her boys. Their church home is Stonewater in Granbury.