Glimpses of God’s Grace: God’s Word

By: Catherine Moore
GCCA 2nd Grade Teacher 

One of the glimpses of God’s grace we get to see by being a part of Grace Classical Christian Academy is teaching our children to store up heavenly treasures. 

In second grade we study Ancient Egyptian history. During this study we learn about pyramids, mummies, idols, and false gods. The Egyptians believed their pharaohs were gods and would rule eternally in the afterlife with all their wealth, food, and power. In class, we discuss Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6:19-25 about storing up heavenly treasures. We discuss what those heavenly treasures are and how we can value them and store them up. The students always include God’s Word as a heavenly treasure. We discuss the value of memorizing God’s Word and hiding it in our hearts. 

At Grace we memorize Proverbs in each grade. I have seen God’s goodness and grace in the memorization of Proverbs as a teacher and as a parent. Proverbs 3:13-16 talks about the value of wisdom being better than silver, gold, or jewels. It also points out the blessing that comes from storing up and treasuring wisdom above earthly desires. We get to discuss Proverbs as we learn about Ancient Egyptian culture and the students make connections between God’s Word and history. 

We also find elements of Proverbs in our literature books by looking at characters that are walking in wisdom or characters that are walking in foolishness. When we do this, we see God’s Word in our reading and relate it to what we are learning in history. It is a joy and delight to see how Christ unites all things. 

The value of storing up God’s Word in our hearts is that it comes out in times of trial or need. When working through discipline issues with my children and students, they are able to understand the principle being taught because they can relate it to God’s wisdom in Proverbs. We have had many discussions in class and at home about wisdom versus foolishness and what God’s Word has to say about both of those. 

God is so good to give us the ability to memorize His Word and hide it in our hearts. May we use it for His glory that we might not sin against Him. May we be diligent in teaching the glorious deeds of the Lord and His might and the wonders he has done to our children and our children’s children.